Contact 2015

April 3-13, 2015 at the Honolulu Museum Art School featuring many of Hawaii's contemporary artists. Meala Bishop is one of them.

The 40 years between 1890 and 1930 were some of the most tumultuous in Hawaii’s history — and they’re the focal point of Honolulu Museum of Art’s annual juried exhibition.

CONTACT 2015 is an annual juried exhibition of contemporary art exploring the notion of "contact" as it relates to the Hawaiian Islands, its people, and their experiences.

Sponsored by MA‘A (Maoli Arts Alliance) an initiative of Pu‘uhonua Society, Na Mea Hawai‘i gallery and by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Working to improve the lives of the Hawaiian community.

Meala Bishop MAI Hawaii Mealaaloha


Meala Bishop MAI Hawaii


Meala Bishop MAI Hawaii Mealaaloha


This painting can also be found on the cover his Music CD RAIN WORK by Hanale Bishop (FaceBook)

Meala Bishop MAI Hawaii (Mealaaloha website)